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Undertaking Operation Google




Haldwani-based Vardhaman Jewellers has a unique way of reaching out to the customers – through Whatsapp and Facebook. The activity is called Operation Google wherein the customers are tracked on these social media platforms for regular interactions.

If suddenly you receive a free movie ticket of your favourite actor at your doorstep, don’t be surprised. You are probably in the Whatsapp contact list of Vardhaman Jewellers who like to be in touch with their customers through popular messaging app Whatsapp and Facebook.

Speaking about this unique concept, Sachin Jain, Owner, Vardhaman Jewellers, says: “We at Vardhaman Jewellers like to interact with our customers daily. The chats on social platforms are not restricted to jewellery but include regular day-to-day concerns or topics of interest- ban on Chinese products, latest movies, newly opened restaurants, etc.”

The brand has hired staff whose only work is to interact with customers through good morning messages, checking good profile pictures, complimenting them on their status and even sending movie tickets of their favourite actors”.

Vardhaman Jewellers have been doing the WhatsApp messaging activity for quite some time now and gained a lot of loyal customers. Every day customers are sent expert opinions on various topics of interest for women, top news and jewellery trends on their phone.


“It’s a good thing to keep one on one touch with the customers. They feel great about this gesture”, shares Jain. We pay compliments to them on their good photos and status updates. They feel good that somebody has noticed and taken time out to engage with them. Facebook and Whatsapp interactions are the most important tools for us”. Facebook – the social networking site – enables Jain to know, ‘what our customers are thinking.’

To further the customer association, Jain has tied up with brands like Levi’s and Red Tape. “When I see any of my customers wearing a Red Tape shoe, I tell him that whenever he goes there next time, he should mention my name. He will be given additional 5-10 percent discount by mentioning my name”. Jain explains the strategy by clarifying that he pays back to the brand whatever discount they offer to his customer. He has also tied up with a watch brand and restaurant where he encourages his customers to go. His patrons have been happily availing of these discounts and extra perks for quite some time now.

“By doing this, we are informally associated with our customers. If we start doing this formally, and give coupons, it will look as if we are promoting our business and it will lose the feeling of bonhomie,” reasons Jain. Jain has been doing this since a long time but he didn’t want to publicise this earlier than this. “Retailers will have to look at personalized services and promotions which are meaningful for THAT customer,” says Jain.

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