Vendi Silver started as a shop-in-shop in the AVR Swarna Mahal showroom in 2021. In a candid conversation with The...
‘Parag Shah, Director, H.K. Jewels Pvt. Ltd, has ensured that Brand KISNA is one of the most widely distributed diamond jewellery brands in India, with his...
“Parag Chheda, Director, Signi Jewels, an online fine jewellery brand, talks about its USP of small and lightweight products that have become popular, how he gains...
Rashi Sanghvi, Co-founder of fine jewellery brand STAC, which sells only online, tells The Retail Jeweller how the brand was built, how it progressed through COVID...
Gowri Reddy, Founder of Gowri’s Jewellery, Hyderabad has built her fine jewellery brand ground up, banking on her design capability and keen sense of what customers...
Manideep Yechuri, the 31-year-old Managing Director of Vega Sri Gold and Diamonds, has built a fine jewellery brand in the space of a year-and-a-half on the...