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Brands raise a toast to timeless sibling love with sentimental rakhi campaigns



Brands raise a toast to timeless sibling love with sentimental rakhi campaigns

The rakhi season is in and the jewellery industry is exploring any and every opportunity to create excitement. Some of the most loved brands have come up with unique contests and commercials to showcase the zing added to sibling love. Let’s start on this with Tanishq.

The brand has shared a heart-touching commercial on sisterhood across social media handles. The video shows how two women from different families reside under the same roof and develop a bond of sisterhood that is only defined by marital norms, and not by blood ties. Told from the perspective of a woman who finds her soulmate in her sister-in-law, she goes on to respect the boundaries in that relationship, and doesn’t think twice before gifting a hand rakhi to her at the right moment. The rakhi, which doubles up as pendants, is a stylish design that will have a lot of takers in the young customer base.

Melorra has taken this opportunity to create a marvellous contest. Named #SiblingSecret, it encourages its followers to share the secrets of their siblings which they have kept out of abundant love. This strong campaign has successfully managed to whet the sentiments of sibling love.

CaratLane has also left no stone unturned to highlight emotions of bothers and sisters on this occasion. The undated campaign of #MyCaratLaneStory recently flashed across Instagram, in which a user shared how her brother saved money for about 8 months to buy her a CaratLane jewellery piece. While that needs to raise a toast, we also see sisters taking part in fun-filled Instagram quizzes on quirky features of the other sister.

What steals the show is one reel by CaratLane featuring an adult brother-sister duo. Tagged #OurGoldenBandhan, the seconds-long reel shows the man donning a straw hat with utmost sincerity, while the woman is prepping herself with a bindi and a specific attire. The two strike an unusual pose with the man in the sitting position, and the woman in the standing position. As they stare at the camera lens, the video snaps decades back to a photograph taken in that exact same pose when they were toddlers.


Rakhi is on 11 August and a lot of promotions will continue as the date inches closer. This is a beautiful and sensitive head-start for one of the most prominent occasions for gifting opportunities for the Indian gem and jewellery industry. 

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