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Design Themes Tell A Story




Chintamanis flaghship store introduces thematic display of inventory to glorify the design story and increase sales conversion rates.

Chintamanis’ flagship Prabhadevi store speaks of opulence and grandiose, reiterating the brand ethos. However, the bold, eloquent designs give way to a muted and understated glamour inside the store, which renders a leisurely feel to the entire retail experience. A trusted name for traditional gold jewellery since 1993, the brand underwent a major facelift in the year 2013 when the 20 year old store was redesigned to imbue due statement into the brand’s presence. Along with the uplift the brand gradually brought about several changes in retail strategy.

Fourth year into their fabulous facelift, Chintamanis the brand identifies Retail Experience to be the deal maker (or breaker). Right from the luxurious entrance, the natural non-deceptive lighting which allows customers to assess the true shine of the metal and stone, to the widely spread out displays, the in-store lounges and the corner aisle spaces which showcase the master designs on raised display pedestals, all focuses on bequeathing a one-of-a-kind experience to the customers.

But most of all it’s the winning inventory display strategy which according to the brand is paying them high dividends. “We are moving away from the necklace, earring and bracelet counters and instead clustering designs of the same family and theme together. For example, all lotus inspired designs regardless of the category they belong to are displayed in one counter”, says Vaijayanti Kaigaonkar, Director, Chintamanis.

Kaigaonkar points out that the strategy is helping us keeping inventory under control. “We have observed that selection is quicker and easier from a theme based collection in spite of it having fewer products to choose from. When designs are placed category wise (earring / necklaces e.t.c), importance of design is lost. For example, even 5-6 lotus-themed earrings placed among other lotus products in a specific display appears more appealing to the customer than the same earring placed amongst hundreds of other (earrings).”


While other brands are increasingly shifting their focus on digital appearances, Chintamanis believes in raking moolahs through amplifying in store experience.

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