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BIS gold hallmarking lab in Hyderabad to start operation



BIS gold hallmarking lab in Hyderabad to start operation

HYDERABAD: Telangana will soon have its own Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) gold referral assay laboratory, on the lines of Tamil Nadu. The lab works are also in full swing on the premises of BIS Hyderabad’s branch office premises at Moula Ali.

K V Rao, scientist and head of BIS Hyderabad branch told STOI that the lab operations are expected to begin in a month or two.

Over the years, samples collected in Hyderabad and other districts of Telangana, used to be sent to the BIS referral lab, Chennai, for the hallmark unique identification (HUID) code and quality.

“As a result, we had to wait for the results of the jewellery quality for a couple of months,” said Rao.

He added that gold and jewellery traders had to make rounds to the BIS office for the quality check results. Once, the new BIS referral lab comes into operation, the checking process would be done here, Rao said. There are 3,000 major and medium gold showrooms in the city.


Few traders who spoke with STOI, said that the results can be expected in a week once the new lab starts functioning in the city.

Courtesy: Economic Times

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