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DPA continues its focus on “Real”, partners with Saffron Art for ‘Mapping the legacy of Indian Jewels’



Quote- Richa Singh

Diamond Producers Association, an international alliance of the world’s leading diamond mining companies, has partnered with Saffron Art, an international auction house that embraces and drives change. Continuing with their efforts of promoting real diamonds, DPA is sponsoring the biennial jewellery conference, Dialogues in Art; with the theme being ‘Mapping the legacy of Indian Jewels’ as an Ode to Nature. The conference will be a two-day affair taking place on 11th and 12th October 2019 in Mumbai.

In this ever-growing synthetic world, the diamond industry stands out, still staunchly believing in the core values of naturality and authenticity, resulting in the creation of natural diamond jewellery. In synergy with this belief, the Diamond Producers Association is propagating the thought-provoking message of ‘why real matters’ to the industry & consumers, thus building confidence and offering a platform for a pro-natural sentiment.

Richa Singh, Managing Director, DPA India said, “ As both DPA and Saffron Art collectively believe in the essence of authenticity, it made perfect sense for us to partner with them. Saffron Art has always been a platform for the exchange of ideas and concepts which falls perfectly in line with DPA’s initiative to generate conversations around why real matters. Our objective is to showcase natural diamonds in their best light, and this collaboration allows us to interact with connoisseurs who understand the rarity, heritage & preciousness of Real. As DPA, we want to be the unbiased repository of all information pertaining to diamonds and we aim to leverage this association to educate consumers on the positive aspects of natural diamonds.”

 The iconic conference will witness art and jewellery connoisseurs from all over the world under one roof to discuss the significance of gems, jewellery and especially real diamonds. This initiative of DPA, in collaboration with Saffron Art will play a pivotal role in generating conversations around the everlasting importance, uniqueness and relevance of natural diamonds.

Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News Service

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