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Age of the superwoman has passed, says Tanishq in its new commercial




When Tanishq launched a special ad campaign to commemorate International Women’s Day recently, the focus was on bringing out the reality behind the struggles faced by women in their lives. From getting up early in the morning to make breakfast, to facing challenges in the workspace and elsewhere, the ad film shows how women are so pre-occupied with acing everything in life and living above and beyond the concept of being a multi-tasker that they don’t see when it starts to take a toll on them. Women have lost sight of the fact that they, too, are people, and not superwomen. The question presented in the commercial video to all woman across the globe is: the world views women in a particular manner, but where do women see themselves?

According to the ad, society is not new to social empowerment narratives aimed at women. The concept that a woman can accomplish anything has been twisted to mean that she must do everything. We see the protagonist in the ad running errands throughout the day without cribbing even a little. The voice in her head keeps getting louder as she completes each task and gets onto the next one.

According to Ranjani Krishnaswamy, General Manager-Marketing, Tanishq, women across the board are striving to strike an effortless balance between the multiple roles they play in their lives and face the constant unsaid expectation to be thriving at it. “Here’s a reminder to pause and remove that metaphorical cape sometimes – after all, you’re human too. This narrative is inspired by the stories of many a superwoman around each one of us celebrating the other side of what goes into making them,” Krishnaswamy explained.

Written by Pranita Sawant

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