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Sriranjani & Amith celebrate the birth of their child with natural diamonds, a #NewMomGift



Richa Singh, Managing Director – India, Diamond Producers Association

Hyderabad April 20, 2020: Continuing with their industry initiative to create positive conversations around natural diamonds, the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) has gone regional in their latest communication for their ‘New Mom Gift’ campaign.

The birth of a child is perhaps the most authentic, precious and rare moment for any couple, as it is the day their bond strengthens further with parenthood. Only a gift that is as real, rare unique and precious as a natural diamond can commemorate the journey of becoming a family. DPA has taken the thought forward of “Celebrate the miracle of life, with a miracle of nature” by collaborating with leading celebrity couple Sriranjani & Amith as they celebrate their parenting journey with a #NewMomGift of billion-year old natural diamonds.

Richa Singh, Managing Director – India, Diamond Producers Association said, “It is heartening to see the support that our #NewMomGift campaign has received from consumers and the industry alike. Sriranjani & Amith are a testimony to what the DPA has always believed in; that natural diamonds play an integral role in all our lives because they are unique, precious, rare and true miracles of nature. I am glad that our trade partners have supported us by joining hands with us in this industry initiative.”


Sriranjani & Amith have shot a unique video inspired by their own real life experience, where they talk about this joyful moment in their lives. The birth of their baby boy and the many memories of being new parents was a unique experience for them and they have a forever reminder of this beautiful time in the natural diamond bracelet that Amit got for Sriranjani as a #NewMomGift.


Sharing her thoughts, Sriranjani says, “Veda’s birth was life-changing and joyful in so many ways, and Amith’s support made all the difference. One day, he casually got me this natural diamond bracelet to celebrate our parenting journey. And as I slowly resumed work, this bracelet became a symbol of the Real strength Amith gave me to get back to doing what I love.”

Sharing his thoughts, Amith says, “Watching Sriranjani and Veda together is the biggest source of happiness for me. It is wonderful to see their beautiful bond. Like every new mother, Sriranjani was finding it difficult to balance motherhood & her career when she resumed work. So I got her a natural diamond bracelet to show that we are in this journey together.”

The film, in association with Star Vijay, is available on social media and YouTube, and can soon be seen on your TV screens. The beautiful bracelet seen in the video is from Kalyan Jewellers.


About Diamond Producers Association:

The Diamond Producers Association, an international alliance of the world’s leading natural diamond mining companies, engages with current and future consumers to understand their needs and aspirations. The DPA wishes to become a reliable, current and unbiased source of information on everything pertaining to natural Diamonds and create positive conversations around natural diamonds.


Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News Service

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