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‘Paid for His Negligence’




Amit Munot, Managing Director, Munot Ornaments, Mumbai

One of our regular clients, who had purchased a pair of earrings from us, returned after 3-4 months with a complaint. The gold earring back had fallen of and was lost. They assumed that it was a craftsmanship defect and so had come to us to fix the problem. It was obvious that there was some laxity and so the back was lost but the client refused to believe us. Since he was one of our good clients we couldn’t afford to lose him. So, we tried to make him see reason and cited various other examples but he was adamant. He demanded that we make new ones for him as a compensation for the lost earring backs. Eventually, not wanting to lose a valued customer, we gave in to his demand and made a new pair of gold earring back. He refused to pay for the new ones. We ended up paying for his negligence.

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