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CaratLane entices nostalgia with Instagram video on first salary spent



CaratLane entices nostalgia with Instagram video on first salary spent

Our first salary treats us with a lifetime of happiness. We celebrate that achievement in countless manners. CaratLane embarked on a journey of joy with its followers on social media by sharing the joy of its multiple employees and how they enjoyed their first pay cheque.

The jewellery brand shared a video on Instagram by compiling the experiences of many of its employees across all forms of experience. Some of them talked about buying the first CaratLane jewellery, while others talked about gifting their parents or investing the salary all at once.

The video, which has received over 7.4K views as of now, is a really important example of undated brand advertisement. First, it bases on a general, yet exciting milestone in the life of every professional, which makes it relatable to all. Second, it gives great insights of consumer behaviour through testimonials of employees. As some prefer to pamper oneself, others prefer to thank their families in different types of contributions. This gives the jewellery brand the cue to approach customers with such variable choices.

In fact, the brand engaged in conversations with more than 40 of its followers, who shared their experiences in the comment thread of this post. Multiple Instagram users thanked the brand for giving them an opportunity to cherish memories. With organic engagement on a permanently valid pitch, CaratLane impressed its target audience.

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