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Agrawal Jewellers introduces a unique collection in honour of National Cancer Awareness Day



Agrawal Jewellers introduces a unique collection in honour of National Cancer Awareness Day

Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, killing nearly 10 million people each year. Most individuals are unaware that chronic illness might be caused by cancer cells in their bodies. The Government of India observes ‘National Cancer Awareness Day’ on November 7th each year.

Supporting awareness about this disease, Agrawal Jewellers of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, created a particular jewellery line with the slogan – ‘A reminder to hold on to Love, Strength and Hope.’ This collection includes a variety of pendants, rings, and bracelets that represent cancer symbols to convey support and hope to patients. One of the best exampleof this is their cancer ribbon pendant.

The entire jewellery line is quite affordable, making it easy to target clients who want to give these jewellery pieces to anyone in their family, friends, or even themselves. The goal of Agrawal Jewellers’ initiative is to assist cancer patients to acquire a positive outlook and be successful in their fight against the disease with the help of jewellery that inspire. Cancer is a life-threatening disease that may create tension, anxiety, and even sadness in its sufferers, and Agrawal Jewellers want to help them reclaim their normal lives via their jewellery.

This was the first time that Agrawal Jewellers took such an initiative and the response has been commendable. They are keen on promoting similar such causes in the future. Ankit Agrawal, Owner, Agrawal Jewellers, said, “We look forward to having similar initiatives more often.”

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