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Shree Ramkrishna Exports sparks sustainability revolution in Surat with SRK Sustainability Conclave 2023




The inaugural was held on May 20 with over 400 attendees enriching their perspective on corporate climate action, networking with industry veterans

Diamond group Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. (SRK Exports) sparked pivotal conversations around sustainability at the inaugural SRK Sustainability Conclave 2023– themed ‘Rethinking Corporate Climate Action’ – held on May 20 in the diamond city of Surat. Over 400 attendees enriched their perspectives on corporate climate action, networking with industry veterans. At the event, India’s sustainable vision was spotlighted, aligning business strategies with national sustainability targets to combat climate change.

Dr Nirav Mandir, Chief Human Capital Officer, SRK, brought the conclave into focus with an insightful introduction. “Doing more good, rather than less harm, is the essence of sustainability today,” he stated.


Keynote speaker Mahesh Ramanujam, President & CEO, Global Network for Zero, revealed a gap between sustainable intentions and actionable commitments among Indian businesses. He praised SRK for stepping up and urged other business leaders to follow suit.

Echoing the sentiments, Kamilla Kristensen Rai, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to India, underscored the need for a holistic and impact-based approach to sustainability, insisting on the power of togetherness.

The conclave, replete with riveting speeches and discussions, saw Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar, Prince of Udaipur & MD of HRH Group of Hotels, discuss decarbonization strategies while Prof. Rajat Moona showcased how advanced technologies could help evade a climate disaster.

Emphasizing SRK’s commitment to environmental wellbeing, Founder & Chairman Govind Dholakia declared, “Our duty is to restore our environment to its healthy state.”

Notable speaker Kartikeya Sarabhai from the Centre for Environment Education offered a comprehensive overview of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their pertinence to Indian businesses. The occasion also marked the release of the SRK Sustainability Report, unveiled by Dholakia and other distinguished guests. Robust discussions during the two panel sessions served as a powerful call to action on sustainability for corporations. Delegates gleaned insights on strategies, data utilization, and the importance of story-telling in sustainability narratives.

The SRK Sustainability Conclave 2023 turned a new leaf in corporate climate action discourse, emphasizing collaboration, innovation, and determination as key drivers towards a sustainable future. 

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