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Handle a difficult customer

Discounts confuse




Mandeep Kishore, Proprietor, Shri Ram Jewellers, Gurgaon

Seven to eight months ago a customer along with his wife came to the shop to buy gold jewellery but found my gold rates higher as compared to other jewellers. He told me that he saw several advertisements in the newspapers offering huge discounts in jewellery. I tried to explain it to him that we have a fresh inventory and the collection is one of the best jewellery in the market. His wife, who understood our point, tried to convince her husband but he refused to listen to her. After giving lots of explanations and reasons, he finally understood our point. In the mean time, his wife selected few jewellery pieces but one problem was still there. The customer was not carrying enough cash with him. So, I told him to go home and booked the jewellery in Rs 1000. He came back on the next day and bought jewellery items worth Rs 10 lakhs.

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