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RJ Market Watch

‘Retailers should be positive and cash in at the IIJS’




Samir Shah of Indigo Jewellery says that the markets are opening up and the IIJS will be an excellent bandwagon to ramp up market strategies in the post-pandemic period

Share your thoughts with us on the virtual IIJS

If there is one show that enjoys immaculate reputation, it’s IIJS. Whatever it comes up with, retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and the entire B2B pipeline looks forward to it. Going virtual is a brilliant idea and the timing is in line with the changing market. Manufacturers and retailers will get a great platform to come together and discuss business. I am already feeling the buzz around the prospect, so I am confident that it will go well.

What will you have on display for retailers who are coming from across the world?


We are focussing on easy-wear jewellery at affordable price points. Most of our products will be such that retailers can easily sell them within the Rs 50,000-Rs 5 lakh range, which is a sweet spot for the Indian consumer. Another segment we are looking at is the solitaire and associated simple jewellery. The solitaire can be anything between 10 and 50 pointers, which is again an Indian favourite.

What is your advice for retailers on the coming season, which extends till May 2021?

Anybody dealing with Indian manufacturers should come in with a positive mindset. We are already seeing great recovery in the export markets, particularly in the US. I believe the pan Indian market is now opening up with Mission Begin Again. Retailers are opening up showrooms again. IIJS is happening just before Navratri, so the timing is great. Retailers have a budget; stocks are down, and everyone is looking for some positivity in the market scenario. IIJS will be a great help now. I personally feel that the market is looking up, because gold prices have also settled. We should look at the upcoming wedding season to boost sales. If they cue in from what has happened in the US, Europe and Australia, retailers should be positive and buy in at the virtual IIJS.


Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News Service.


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