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4 Desired summer wedding jewellery brand for your D- DAY!



This the season of weddings, and what better time than now to settle on the right outfit and perfect jewellery to complement it!!
Whether it be picking a destination for the wedding or planning every single last detail of the event, the experience can get really overwhelming.No matter what, we’ve got you covered!! Well, at least for the major part – the jewellery!
Now, just because a destination wedding is lavish in terms of the kind of hospitality shown to its guests, doesn’t necessarily mean that the wedding vibe is likely to be just as over-the-top. It makes little sense to go all out with your jadau diamond choker when the ceremony is going to be a relaxed and sublime one by the beach. Moreover, you really don’t want to be constantly worried about misplacing or losing your most prized possessions.
Below is our pick of some of the most gorgeous jewellery that looks just like the real deal but are based in silver or other metals that will ensure you stay stress-free when traveling with them.
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The elegant yet classy embellishments and the intricate details in the designs of the jewellery have unique designs of animal motifs that will make you stand out from the crowd at a wedding or any occasion.
JOOLRY, with the launch of her new collection has launched some beautiful pieces, created in rose gold and champagne colours that are just perfect for any occasion-wear. 
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The touch of gold with silver jewellery, is unique to the brand. Animal motifs are really trending this wedding season and they have become the must-haves in every jewellery trousseau. From being a lightweight jewellery piece to getting the perfect look for the wedding Fidaus’ new collection ‘NOOR’ is designed for  the Bold, Dramatic and Powerful Cosmopolitan woman.
Radhika Agrawal
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Radhika Agrawali is well known in the jewellery category and is known for her different & unique designs with every collection launch. The jadau neck piece, is a must – have to add to your prized possessions for your upcoming wedding festivities.
Varnika Arora
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This year, Varnika Arora with her new Spring/Summer’19 collection ‘LADY’ has launched stunning piece of jewellery which not only have unique neck pieces and earrings but also introduced statement barrettes which have a touch of royalty in every piece.
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