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This Valentine’s Day, Platinum Days of Love celebrates growing invincible together!




2020 saw the world grappling with a host of difficulties and challenges– no less for couples. But in this face of uncertainty, the solace and stability that relationships offered became more valuable than ever before as couples turned to their partners for comfort and strength. Now, entering into 2021 with trepidation and caution, it’s the love they share that gives them the security, motivation and inspiration to move forward with a renewed outlook. This Valentine’s Day, Platinum Days of Love celebratesa love that is not only anchored firmly and weathered it all but has also evolved for the better. A relationship that has grown #StrongerInlove.

This Month of Love, Platinum Days of Love, in association with Grazia and Wavemaker, pays tribute to three such couples, who stood strong in the face of all the odds that 2020 brought about & resolved to make their tomorrows brighter – including newlywed Gauhar Khan & Zaid Darbar. The campaign, #StrongerInLoveshowcases three different personal yet relatable stories from the past year, where couples acted like a united team overcoming various levels of hurdles, growing from strength to strength.

Link to view the campaign –


 Commenting on her relationship, actress Gauhar Khan revealed, “Our relationship only started last year, but in that duration – it feels like we’ve lived a lifetime. There was so much uncertainty, so much stress; but having Zaid by my side was such a source of comfort. He was strong for me when I couldn’t be, and I think I was the same for him. It’s true that we’ve only been together for about a year but in that time, we’ve added a depth to our relationship that would otherwise takes eons to reach.”

Sujala Martis, Director – Consumer Marketing, Platinum Guild International – India shared her thoughts on the campaign as she stated, “2021 marks a milestone for couples that have overcome the worst of the crisis together. It’s like a decade of understanding & nurturing a relationship got squeezed into the past 11 months. It has left couples with a sense of gratefulness, appreciation & stability, a feeling of – if we could make through this then we are rock solid and can handle anything the future throws at us. If you’ve made it through the last year, it’s no ordinary feat – it is truly rare and remarkable. And that is definitely a milestone worth marking.”

Speaking about the campaign Karthik Nagarajan, Chief Content Officer, Wavemaker India said, “I think 2020 was in a way a renewal of vows for many relationships and there is no better way to do that as we begin a new decade, than with #Strongerinlove. It is a beautiful celebration of love and content that we are very proud to have been a part of. Always grateful to be able to work with wonderful partners like Grazia and a client like PGI who always inspires us to push the envelope.”

Speaking on the association – MehernaazDhondy, Editor in Chief, Grazia India said, “The campaign #StrongerInLove, developed as part of the partnership forged with Platinum Guild

India enables us to reinforce the promises that 2021 brings in with itself. We are glad to celebrate the partners who stood the test of time and welcomed 2021 together. This alliance resonates with our audience significantly and allows us to strengthen our connect with them yet again.”

The latest collection of Platinum Love Bands celebrates a love so rare and will be available to purchase across 1200+ leading jewellery retail stores in India from the 1st of February until the 20th of February.


Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News Service

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