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GJEPC’s travelling roadshow for IIJS Signature 2023 visits Saudi Arabia



GJEPC’s travelling roadshow for IIJS Signature 2023 visits Saudi Arabia

GJEPC held a door-to-door roadshow for IIJS Signature 2023 in the port city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 5th to 7th December. Mr. Ramesh Vora, the Middle East Coordinator for GJEPC, and Mr. Sridhar Iyengar, Director, International Exhibitions, GJEPC, were welcomed with keen support from local jewellers, wholesalers and retailers located at the important jewellery hubs such as Mahmud Saeed Gold Souk/Oasis Mall, The Al-Shoula Centre and Al Musadia Jewellery Centre.

Some of the prominent jewellers invited for IIJS Signature 2023 include Dewan AL Dahab Jewellery Co., Bahamdein Jewellery, Ikleel Jewelry, Dananeer Jewellery, Wael Al- Sayadi Jewellery, Al – Hashdi Gold & Jewellery, and Wael Al- Sayadi Jewellery among many others. The Council team also met with the President of the Merchants Gold Smith in Jeddah, Mr. Faidi Bin Ali Al Hasedi from Faidi Al- Hashedi Jewelry.

Courtesy: Solitaire International

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