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Tanishq launches heartwarming video campaign glorifying medical fraternity ahead of Doctors’ Day



Tanishq Doctor's Day video campaign

July 1 is National Doctors’ Day. At the receiving end of the second wave of coronavirus pandemic, the society is functioning solely because of the tireless efforts by the medical fraternity. To pay a heartfelt tribute to doctors, Tanishq launched its latest video campaign.

The film, conceptualised by Dentsu Webchutney, aligns with the brand’s Covid-19 relief initiative titled Project Raahat, in which the brand is supplying medical infrastructure to 13 public hospitals. The film starts with a cheerful child, who keeps a record of every neighbour traversing the premises without a mask. Abiding by safety norms, the girl throws spare masks wrapped in paper packs at those people without masks, eliciting thankfulness. The spirited and wise child also tells people to wear the masks properly for better protection. As the camera rolls, we come to know that she is the daughter of a doctor, who has been working tirelessly at a hospital, saving lives, and thus, failing to return home.

Touched by the gesture of the child who misses her mother but doesn’t break down emotionally, the mother slides in a beautiful pendant with a chain on the neck of her daughter as a medal of bravery. The message conveyed not only glorifies the contribution of doctors to the society, but also lauds the wisdom of citizens abiding by safety norms and encouraging optimum healthcare practice.

The film has received 17 lakh views within two days of release on YouTube. What the campaign does is portray the humane tribulations of the strongest force fighting Covid-19 today, i.e. doctors. “This film tries to show a real relationship between a mother who is a doctor-frontliner and her daughter, and through it helps us all empathize with the medical community,” said Binaifer Dulani, Creative Director, Dentsu Webchutney.

Ranjani Krishnaswamy, Tanishq

Speaking about the launch of the film, Ranjani Krishnaswamy, General Manager – Marketing, Tanishq, Titan Company Limited, said, “Many of our consumers who come from the medical community have been bravely weathering the storm since last year, helping us feel safe one day at a time. While we wanted to honor their resilient and relentless spirit, we also wanted to pause and applaud the unconditional support offered by their families.”


Written by Shubham Dasgupta

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