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A Unique Sale

‘Solitaires and Touch of Romance’




A young man visited us two days before Valentine’s Day. He wanted to buy a surprise gift for his wife but he had a limited budget. He wanted to buy a diamond ring but was not sure about the size. Also, he couldn’t ask his wife for measurements. He was in a dilemma regarding what he could buy for her. So, we suggested a pair of solitaire earrings even though we didn’t have any at that time. However, we promised him to get it for him in the budget that he had kept aside for it. The earrings were made for him within a day and we managed to keep them in the budget. And on 13th we delivered it to his home. He was pleased and thanked us for helping him choose a good gift for his wife. For us, it was a nice feeling to have brought joy into a couple’s life on a special day.

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