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SGL LAUNCHES TRIPLE SHIELD – The one-stop-solution for Diamond Certification, Hallmarking & QC




There is a countrywide resurgence over best trade practices with gold hallmarking made mandatory. To serve the trade during such challenging times by managing an efficient supply chain, SGL has launched a new program called ‘Triple Shield’. A one-stop solution for diamond certification, gold hallmarking, and metal QC. The service offers SGL’s international standard diamond jewelry certification clubbed with BIS standard hallmarking and stringent metal quality control.

The Retail Jeweller speaks with SGL co-founders Shirin Bandukwalla and Chirag Soni over the subject.

The Retail Jeweller (TRJ): Please introduce the Triple Shield program launched by SGL.

Chirag Soni (CS): We are bringing a program full of transparent methodology that starts with SGL and chosen hallmarking centers across our network cities. We are choosing one reputed, trustworthy hallmarking center from each city that will follow a standard SOP issued by us to ensure that the customer gets 3 services in one go viz. Diamond certification, BIS Gold Hallmarking, and Metal QC.

TRJ: How does the Triple Shield program benefit the retailer/manufacturer?


CS: With the new BIS guidelines for hallmarking a service request has to be raised on the BIS portal for the HUID number and there are other newly introduced protocols that have made the hallmarking process robust but lengthy. Then there is the diamonds certification as well as the metal QC services which also need a fair amount of time to process along with the logistical challenge.

Under the Triple Shield program, once the retailer has raised the request for HUID, the manufacturer has to merely send the jewelry for hallmarking thereafter SGL along with its partner agencies will ensure quick transfer for diamond certification and metal QC. This way the jewelry reaches the manufacturer/retailer only after final certification.

TRJ: Tell us more about the agencies SGL has partnered with for this program?

Shirin Bandukwala (SB): We are providing a metal quality certification by partnering with a reputed metal QC agency that has worked with various jewelry manufacturers.

The hallmarking partners will be well-known assayers who follow BIS standards to the book for gold hallmarking. Regular government and SGL audits of these hallmarking agencies ensure accurate and reliable results.

TRJ: How will retailers/manufacturers keep a track of this process by SGL?

SB: We are initiating a Customer Information Service Portal (CISP). The CISP will provide all information related to the hallmarking, metal purity, and the diamond certification status under one platform which can be accessed easily by the retailer.

TRJ: How has been the initial trade response to the blueprint of the Triple Shield initiative by SGL?

CS: With Hallmarking mandatory now, our service adds assurance and trade trust in the timeliest manner possible. Our retail partners are praising the initiatives and awaiting the earliest execution of the same.

TRJ: What added benefits will the three-party authentication give to retailers?

SB: SGL’s direct involvement in the entire process of hallmarking, assurance of metal purity, and diamond certification provides the following added benefits:

  • One point of contact for all 3 processes
  • Single point billing system
  • Complete Vendor Data Analysis
  • Savings on logistics and transportation

This is the first time a gemological laboratory is taking up the responsibility to assure better transparency. Regular SGL audits will serve to upgrade processes and remind retailers and manufacturers of the due diligence. Retailers simply need to ask the manufacturers to avail this one-stop solution program by SGL.

Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News

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