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RJ Market Watch

“We are looking forward to everything that the 450 new exhibitors will bring”



IIJS 2021

Dr Ravi Kapoor, director of Kays Jewels Pvt Ltd, Kanpur, speaks to Samit Bhatta, publisher of The Retail Jeweller India, about everything new that he is looking for at the IIJS this September

Since you are building a new showroom in Kanpur, what are you looking for at the IIJS this year?

We are looking forward to coming to Bangalore for the show and wish it a grand success. This will be a first time that the IIJS is happening in the south, so it will be a different experience. There will be 450 new exhibitors, which means a lot of new products. We would like to see and connect with them for the future.

Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News Service

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