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GJEPC organises training programme for Kolkata Customs




To facilitate the export from the Eastern Region of the country, the GJEPC arranged a weeklong training program on Gold and Jewellery Appraising for the officers of Kolkata Customs. The training was held from January 6-10, 2020 at Kolkata Custom’s Board Room, International Cargo Complex, Kolkata Airport. GJEPC arranged the faculty from Indian Diamond Institute (IDI) Surat to train the officers.

Post the training, certificate distribution ceremony was held in the presence of Deep Sekhar, Principal Commissioner of Customs (Airport), Kolkata as chief guest along with Shri Prakash Chandra Pincha, Regional Chairman, GJEPC – Eastern Region and other trade members.

The participation certificate was given by Deep Sekhar. In his speech, he applauded the efforts of GJEPC. He said that customs as a trade facilitator always tries to help the industry in increasing its exports. Such initiatives of trade further strengthen the efforts in the smoothening of exports.

The training programme comprises identification of colour gemstone, diamond grading, purity test of precious metal on XRF machine and introduction to assaying technique. 33 customs officers from different levels of Kolkata Customs Commissionerate successfully completed the weeklong training program.

Quote-Pramod Agrawal, Chairman, GJEPC


Pramod Kumar Agrawal, Chairman, GJEPC, in his message said, “Our effort is to further enhance the ease of doing business in the sector and such training initiatives will help upgrade the customs officials on their existing skills. As a high ticket value items, it is necessary, the goods don’t get stuck at any level without any genuine reasons. This will help us to deliver the products to the customers in a timely manner.”

Prakash Chandra Pincha, Regional Chairman, GJEPC – Eastern Region said, “Upgrading the skills of customs officials will further smoothen the export of jewellery from the Kolkata Airport, as the officials will be more competent to examine and appraise Gem and Jewellery Export and Import cargo.” GJEPC also conducts regular awareness and training workshops across the gem and jewellery clusters in India. The trade members are made aware of the latest policies and schemes offered by the Government.

Through skill upgradation programs, GJEPC’s effort is to help the members improve their contribution for the growth of the industry.


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