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RJ Market Watch

‘IIJS virtual will mean no risk to our health’




Deepa Agarwal of Sona Chandi Jewellers thinks that the losses suffered during the lockdown will be covered in the next six months.

What are your views on the IIJS Virtual?

I think the virtual exhibition will see a good response because the retailers will be more comfortable looking at the jewellery from the comfort of their homes or offices. This saves time and energy. There will be no risks involved when it comes to health or exposure. During physical shows, we would meet our regular clients, but on the virtual platform, we can explore more exhibitors and designs.

What kind of jewellery are you planning to purchase at the IIJS Virtual?


A lot of weddings were postponed during the lockdown. We expect a good season in the next few months. There will be a demand for both heavy and lightweight jewellery. After lockdown, we have seen tremendous response from our customers.

Do you think we will be able to make up from the lost business in the next 6 months?

I am sure we will be able to do that. After we reopened our stores, we covered the losses to quite an extent. It will only get brighter in the future.


Courtesy: Retail Jeweller India News service.

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