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A Unique Sale

‘Love for Guru Carved in Gold’




One of our regular clients came to us with a silver bangle which had the name of his Guru (mentor) carved into it. He wanted a similar design in 22k gold. The name had to feature three times in the bangle so that the name was visible every time the bangle moved. It required intricate craftsmanship and the expertise of cutting work. We had not made anything like this before. Also, none of our kaarigars specialised in this work. So, he hunted for a kaarigar who knew this particular skill. Luckily, we found one person who was familiar with the work. He agreed to make it exactly the way the client wanted it. We made two gold bangles and when the client saw it, he was satisfied with the work. The bangles were appreciated by his friends and other followers of the Guru. So, now we can look forward to more orders of the same type.

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