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Chosen by Tejpal Ranka has successful women of Pune weave narratives around collections by Her Story



Chosen by Tejpal Ranka has successful women of Pune weave narratives around collections by Her Story

The collaboration with Her Story stemmed from the brand’s desire to introduce customers in Pune to jewellery of international calibre, and took shape in the form of a two-day trunk show

Pune: At a recent two-day event, Chosen by Tejpal Ranka curated a pop-up show featuring Mumbai-based jewellery retail brand, Her Story. The event, essentially a trunk show, aimed to showcase the unique collections of Her Story, and introduce customers in Pune to jewellery of international calibre.  

Chosen by Tejpal Ranka also invited six successful women to share insights on the collections that resonated most with their personal journeys, passions or core values, and populated them as reels on the brand’s Instagram page. The aim was to capture their perspectives on the Her Story jewellery collections, each representing unique journeys of women. Their diverse voices provided insights into how different jewellery collections from Her Story intersect with various life paths and career trajectories, and how they would resonate with different audiences.

The women comprised influencers across varied backgrounds – both entrepreneurs and professionals from sectors such as corporate social responsibility, fashion design, restaurants, skincare and more. “Each woman was given the opportunity to examine all the jewellery collections before being prompted to select the one that best mirrored their life journey and current pursuits, which was featured in the videos. Among the collections was Kaleido, symbolizing balance. It was intriguing to observe how each woman, based on her background and present goals, chose to reflect on her personal journey in connection with the collections,” said Aashna Ranka, Partner, Chosen by Tejpal Ranka.

Characterized by intricate techniques and cutting-edge technology employed in crafting each piece, including the movement and sound they produce, Her Story’s jewellery pieces represent a departure from conventional design. While the event’s focus was on the collaboration between the brands, a major emphasis was also on the narratives behind the ornaments and the craftsmanship inherent in them.


“We introduced meticulously crafted collections by Her Story to the Pune community, bringing the experience directly to the people in their own locale,” Ranka said. She also specified that Chosen by Tejpal Ranka would not be retailing any of the jewellery made by Her Story beyond the show, which was only meant to expose customers to the Mumbai-based brand. In case interested customers later wanted to view or buy any of the pieces, they would have to be brought in from the Her Story store in Mumbai, Ranka added.

Written by Aparna Bhowmick

Retail Jeweller India Exclusive

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